Parliament: Ulisses Correia announces soon a “powerful package” of infrastructure

The Prime Minister said on Thursday that the Government will soon launch a “powerful package” of infrastructure for which it is mobilising external funding, with much of them already negotiated and are being finalised, in various sectors.

Ulisses Correia e Silva spoke on sectors such as roads, improving access to villages, urban requalification, ports, airports, health infrastructure, education, housing, among others in which the Government intends to bet to give “structured responses”.

The head of the Government of CaboVerde was speaking during the debate with the Prime Minister on “the role of the State in mitigating the economic and social crisis and its impact on the lives of families and businesses”, requested by the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV), at this second plenary session in February, which takes place from 23 to 25.

“All this will make the country more structured, it will also create dynamics in construction and employment during construction.

We also have measures that have been adopted and will continue,” he added, citing the reduction in the VAT (Value Added Tax) rate on electricity from 15 to 8 percent and the increase in the discount on the social water and energy tariff to benefit 15.000 households in relation to water and 15.300 households in relation to electricity.

Source: Inforpress