Parliament: Government accuses opposition of trying to “hit the greatest asset” of Cabo Verde that is the democracy

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Parliamentary Affairs, Filomena Gonçalves, accused the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV-opposition party) of trying to “hit the greatest asset” of Cabo Verde that is the democracy.

The minister reacted, in this second plenary session in February, started today, to the PAICV’s political statement, which in the voice of its MP and vice-president of the parliamentary bench said the country has “lost ground” in terms of robustness of its democracy and the safeguarding of civil and political freedoms of its citizens.

PAICV supported its position with the fact that Cabo Verde remained in 32nd position in the Democracy Index, falling from 2nd to 3rd place in the group of countries in Africa, being considered an imperfect democracy in 167 independent States and two territories.

“PAICV’s political statement wants at all costs to hit Cabo Verde’s greatest asset, which is democracy. We have a party which had and has many responsibilities in the country, however, makes a political statement, to rejoice in a skewed reading about the data on the classification of Cabo Verde’s democracy”, stated Filomena Gonçalves.

Source: Inforpress