Parliament forces Government to share the agreement with INPS to transfer 11 billion escudos to the Sovereign Fund

Parliament unanimously approved this Wednesday, a request from the PAICV (opposition) to oblige the Government to share the agreement signed with the INPS for the transfer of 11 billion escudos to the Sovereign Fund.

In justifying the request, Deputy Rui Semedo argued that the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV) spent months requesting information about this process from the National Institute of Social Security (INPS), which refused to make the information available.

The deputy from the main opposition party also added that the parliamentary group also requested the central bank, which, in turn, said that it would only make the documents available if the INPS authorizes them.

“We asked the Government, which sends us to the INPS. I think they’re playing a game of ping pong. The Bank of Cabo Verde (BCV) tells us that if you don’t have authorization from the INPS, which is not granted, the INSP does not grant it and the Government tells us to go to the INPS. Therefore, we understand that we are in a game that we think is unfair, which leads us to believe that there is something very serious hidden”, explained Rui Semedo.

Source: Inforpress