Parliament approves a motion of confidence to the government of Ulisses Correia e Silva

The Cape Verdean Parliament approved today, in an extraordinary special session, the Motion of Confidence to the Government of the Movement for Democracy (MpD), led by Ulisses Correia e Silva, winner of the 18th legislative elections Of april.

The instrument was approved 42 votes in favour, 38 from the MpD and four from the Independent and Democratic Cape Verdean Union (UCID), and 30 abstention votes from the African Independence Party of Cape Verde (PAICV).

In his explanation of vote, the UCID deputy, Amadeu Oliveira, stated that, especially at the beginning of his term, it is necessary to give the Government the necessary instruments to begin governance.

“We are in the middle of a pandemic that has never been seen anywhere before, we are running a very serious fiscal risk, we are in debt in excess of 150 percent (%) of the gross domestic product (GDP), we are here with a resulting fiscal risk of a brutal fall in revenue, so this moment is not one of noise, nor of quarrels, nor of guerrillas”, he said.

In turn, the leader of the PAICV parliamentary bench, João Baptista Pereira, stressed that the abstention vote does not mean that his party is voting for the MpD, but for Cape Verde, and giving the benefit of the doubt to the Government and the Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva.

“We are here today, tomorrow and always available for all conversations across Cape Verde. Cape Verdeans will be accompanying and will be invited to witness, as well, the moment of the evaluation's balance. For this reason, the PAICV voted to abstain from this Motion of Confidence”, he stated.

Representing the majority, deputy Euclides Silva underlined that the MpD parliamentary group voted in favor because this was the will expressed by Cape Verdeans who on April 18th “gave a clear majority” to the MpD to continue solving the problems that afflict them.

“We are voting in favor because this parliamentary group, this majority, knows that with the approval of this motion and entry into operation with full powers of this Government, it opens a new path, a new paradigm and a new way of developing the country”, he concluded.

In the Moção de Confiança, the Government emphasizes that it wants to transform Cape Verde into a country of opportunities for young people through inclusive education and excellence, qualification for employability, an ecosystem favorable to entrepreneurship and in the context of an economy that grows and generates employment .

Source: Inforpress