PAICV wants to take State accounts 2018 before the court

PAICV Secretary General Julião Varela said Monday at a press conference that the party wants to take the 2018 State accounts to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate responsibilities for alleged irregularities identified by the Court of Auditors.

This leader of the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV – opposition party) said that, with “six months of delay”, the Court of Auditors has just delivered to Parliament the opinion on the accounts for the year 2018 which should be delivered by 31 December 2020.

“This opinion, which, strangely enough, was approved with an unsuccessful vote of the Presiding Judge himself, evidences a set of irregularities in the State’s accounts during the year 2018,” he said.

Julião Varela spoke of “violation” of several provisions of the Budget Framework Law in force at the time, namely the principle of unity and universality and the collection of unbudgeted revenues.

Source: Inforpress