PAICV accuses the Government of “abandoning the population” by withdrawing subsidies from fishmongers at Praia’s fishing pier

The deputies of the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV, opposition) accused this Wednesday, the Government of “abandoning the population”, mainly the most vulnerable, exemplifying with the withdrawal subsidy to fishmongers at Praia’s fishing pier.

Deputy Carla Lima was speaking to the press during a visit to the site to learn about the situation of fishermen, fishmongers and shipowners in Praia. She said that during the covid-19 pandemic the Government made an agreement with the company responsible for management of the fishing pier and that due to the effects of the world crises, the MpD withdrew the subsidy, leaving the class “in a vulnerable situation”.

“It is a poor population, they are people with difficulties to support their families and who are unable to work” advanced the deputy, stressing that as of this month they were obliged to pay the old amount of 120 escudos.

In addition to “abandoning the class”, the deputy also accused the Government of transforming the space into private management, “without taking into account the work” performed by fishermen, fishmongers and shipowners.

Source: Inforpress