OMCV: Idalina Gonçalves leaves leadership after 15 years in office and new governing bodies to be elected this Saturday

The president of the OMCV, Idalina Gonçalves, announced today that she not intend to stand for re-election to the position she has held for 15 years and the next 10th will be elected new governing bodies for the next four years.

The president of the Cabo Verde Women’s Organization (OMCV) provided this information in an interview with Inforpress, saying that on September 9 and 10 the direction and delegates of the organization will be gathered in the City of Praia for the consideration and discussion of the activities report and OMCV’s accounts and for the election of the new governing bodies.

“We have the presence of 60 delegates at national level, for two days we will discuss what has been the organization’s life in the last four years, the gains, challenges and recommendations that will be left to the new direction to come out of the elections on the 10th,” she said.

As for her stay at the head of the OMCV, Idalina Gonçalves said that she will not be a candidate for her own succession because she understands that democracy should always prevail in these circumstances and because she believes that the time has come for a new team to also make its contribution to the development of the organization.

Source: Infopress