OE 2023 “does not give answers nor does it bring hope” to youth – JPAI President

The PAICV Youth President said this Monday that the 2023 State Budget (OE2023) “does not give answers nor does it bring hope” for young Cape Verdeans, because it leaves aside the desires and youth claims.

Fidel de Pina made these statements at a press conference on the OE 2023, from the perspective of youth, stating that this instrument of economic and financial policy does not show what active employment measures the Government has for more than 32% of young Cape Verdeans on unemployment.

“What is the solution for the more than 23,000 Cape Verdeans who are underemployed, the overwhelming majority being young people, what solutions for the more than 77,000 young people who annually swell the ranks of the inactive, having lost hope of finding a job? And who are currently in the poverty bag, without income, out of education and without a job”, he asked.

Fidel de Pina said that the PAICV Youth Organization (opposition) expected a more “transparent” and more “balanced” budget from the age point of view, as well as some sensitivity from the Government with regard to the substantial reduction of expenses with the functioning of the governmental structure.

Source: Inforpress