Noise pollution is a “major problem” for the environment in Cape Verde – president of ADAD

The president of the Association for the Defense of the Environment and Development (ADAD) said today that the noise pollution is a “major problem” for the environment in Cabo Verde, especially in the cities of Praia and Mindelo.

Speaking to Inforpress, Januário Nascimento underlined that ADAD has been working on raising awareness in the area of environmental education to combat this problem and that it continues to play this role with intuitions linked to this issue.

Januário Nascimento also assured that ADAD does everything to contribute and help, especially in education, awareness and dissemination, but also “take measures together with other organizations,” related to the subject, to combat this environmental problem in Cape Verde.

“Noise pollution is a major environmental problem in Cape Verde, especially in the cities of Praia and Mindelo, and in the world as well. So we must be in tune with everyone involved because the issue of the environment is an issue that affects worldwide, so we have to be prepared, aware and mobilized for this great environmental cause”, stressed the president of ADAD.

Source: Inforpress