New era as taps resume flows in Mutengene, Tiko

By Nchendzengang Tatah Locals of Mutengene and Tiko, two semi urban and historic towns in Cameroon, now have potable water supply for the first time. This is following completion of a one billion German sponsored water supply project. The two towns united administratively as Tiko Sud-division with an estimated population of 80,00 people have over the years had no proximity potable water source.Children trekked for long distances for water in the risk of the highway. Following the launch of the FIECOM Meduim City Decentrilisation Programme in 2014, the Tiko Council submitted the Mutengene/Tiko potable water project. The submission of the Tiko Council was fortunate to be chosen. The project is realised thanks to support from the German Development Bank, KFW, through the Special Council Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM). It was officially commissioned on June 4, 2024 by the Minister of Descentrilisation and Local Development, George Elanga Obam in Mutengene. In a visit to one of the water project reservo irs at Dibanda, Minister Elanga Obam explained that the main interest for the government is to have more people receive the water. He called on the Mayor of Tiko who he highlighted was fortunate to now have flowing taps in his Municipality, to take thorough care of the project in respect of the agreement signed and ensure that the local population are part of the management. 'The effective exercise of powers transfered to local authorities in the area of water supply, particularly councils has once again been at the center of government concerns with the signing on 22nd May in Yaounde, for the financing agreement for the project to setup an Inter-Council Civil Engineering and Hydrolic Machinery fit,' Minister Elango Obam announced. This agreement the minister explained is testimony of the attention given by international partners to the decentrilisation policy on roll in Cameroon. And is equally a decisive turning point in the powers devolved to the local councils which will enable for portable drinking wa ter and good roads. The German Ambassador, Dr Corinna Fricke for her part, established that her government is firmly accompanying Cameroon in the Decentrilisation Process. The Tiko Mayor, HRM Chief Messoso Ikome Peter III filled with great joy at the accomplishment said it was a mile stone which came to change the lives of the locals of his municipality. 'Today will be recorded in the annals of history and judged positively for posterity. Good morning to my people in Mutengene/Tiko, your day has dawn.' Source: Cameroon News Agency