National Assembly: Suspension of MP Amadeu Oliveira and election of new holders of outside positions go to votes

The debate on the State of the Nation takes place next Friday, but the ordinary session begins, with the draft resolution on the suspension of the MP’s mandate of Amadeu Oliveira and the election of positions outside the National Assembly.

In prison for a year at the Ribeirinha Prison, in São Vicente, Amadeu Oliveira, the MP elected by the list of the Independent and Democratic Cabo Verdean Union, will see the National Assembly, at the request of the Attorney General of the Republic and under the Statute of MPs, vote on the suspension of his mandate as defendant.

The National Assembly will also discuss, in the next parliamentary session, the election of Holders of Positions Outside the National Assembly, and the judges Dulcelina Sanches Rocha and Evandro João Tancredo Rocha will be under debate as substitute on the Constitutional Court.

António Pedro Tavares Silva, Silvino Pires Amador, Maimuna Tavares Mendes Baldé and Ana Isabel Moreno Semedo will be submitted to parliamentary votes to join the Superior Council of Judicial Judiciary.

Source: Inforpress