National accounts for the new base year 2015 increase by 9.6 (%) of GDP compared to 2007

The national accounts of the new base year (2015) led to a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 173.911 million escudos, representing an increase by 9.6 percent (%) compared to the base accounts of 2007.

These data are findings that has come out of the national accounts according to the new National Accounts System (SCN 2008), presented today, in the City of Praia, by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

The document states that, analysing the weight of sectors in GDP, the tertiary sector represents 67.2 % and contributes 13.1 percentage points (pp) to the revaluation of 9.6 % of GDP.

It adds that the primary and secondary sectors with weights of 6.4 and 14.6 recorded a negative contribution of 1.7% and 2.1% respectively, while net taxes on subsidies on products made a contribution of 0.3% in the revaluation of GDP.

Source: Inforpress