Music: Sónia Sousa is a new bet of the Harmonia production company

The young singer born in the City of Praia Sónia Sousa is the new bet of the Harmonia production company, which has worked with several renowned Cabo Verdean artists and has been very successful in the country and Diaspora.

The information was announced to Inforpress by the artist herself, detailing that the contract was signed on Friday, February 18.

“The production company came to me after the release, on February 13, of the song “Sob o ki falta”, which I sang with the artist C James. The director of the production company, Djô da Silva said he really liked my presence, posture and voice in that song”, she says, happy to be part of the Harmonia “great family”.

Still in her statements, Sonia Sousa said that she has always heard from people she has a beautiful voice and she will go far in music, but she never believed she would be such luck.

Source: Inforpress