Music: Nicolau Brito has available on digital platforms his new album “Presente de Deus”

The musician Nicolau Brito already has available on digital platforms his latest new album entitled “Presente de Deus”, produced based on his home island culture, São Nicolau.

According to the artist, who has been in this artistic environment since 2008, the album consists of eight tracks.

“It’s a work with a lot of beautiful message on each track, each track portrays a little of what we live in our daily life in São Nicolau”, he said.

“Presente de Deus”, according to Nicolau Brito, is “totally dedicated” to his daughter, however it is an “important” work São Nicolau, especially, but also for Cabo Verde since in this album he preserved and prioritized culture.

“It’s not to let the culture die, so I moved on our traditions, our mazurca, morna,” he said, noting that many Cabo Verdean artists are following more modern lines.

Source: Inforpress