Museum of Education and Association of Student will create a commission to install the National Student Day initiative

The Director of the Museum of Education and the Cape Verde Students Association meet today to create a nucleus/installation committee to prepare the dossier for the National Student Day initiative.

The event, scheduled for the day on which the International Student Day is celebrated, 17 November, at the National Library, aims, according to the promoter of the initiative, Clara Marques, to help students reflect on all matters related to “their student life”.

“As National Teachers’ Day has already been created, we thought it would be good to start thinking about students. And as the association is already organized, we decided to mark the International Student Day and create a nucleus to prepare the dossier that will be delivered to request the National Student Day”, Clara Marques told Inforpress.

With this initiative, he underlined, it is intended to develop youth associations, the academy and include pre-university students, too, in this debate, so that they can “know how to be and develop better” the existing problems in schools, about the evaluations and everything that related to student life in schools

Source: Inforpress