Multisectoral Economics Regulatory Agency assign accreditation to NOSI

The Multisectoral Regulatory Agency for the Economy (ARME) on Tuesday assigned to the Operational Center for the Information Society (NOSI) the accreditation and the digital certificate, which will allow NOSI, among others, to issue digital signature certificates.

Speaking to journalists at the ceremony of the symbolic assignment of certificates, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARME, Isaías Barreto da Rosa, reinforced the relevance of this act, which will bring “great value” to NOSI, according to him.

As he explained, the Operational Center for the Information Society becomes the third certifying body in Cabo Verde, with the capacity to issue signature certificates, ensure their advertising and provide other services related to electronic signatures.

“We now have three certifying entities here in Cabo Verde and NOSI is now able to issue digital certificates and has the opportunity to explore an important business niche which has to do with digital signatures and digital certificates,” the same source said.

Source: Inforpress