MpD says Court of Auditors does not have technical means to audit the Mercado do Coco works

The deputy leader of the MpD parliamentary group, Euclides Silva, said on Tuesday that his party received an opinion from the Court of Auditors that says the institution does not have technical means to audit the Mercado do Coco works.


The MP was speaking at a press conference to assess the parliamentary days preparatory to the plenary session of the National Assembly which starts this Wednesday, the 12th, having as one of the agenda points a draft resolution, proposed by PAICV (opposition party), which asks the Court of Auditors to carry out an audit on the construction works of the new municipal market of Praia (Mercado do Coco).


“We have received an opinion from the Court of Auditors that it does not have the technical means to audit this infrastructure and the law in this matter is clear. Members can not pass either laws or resolutions that imply increased costs in the current economic year”, he said, suggesting that his party (the majority) will not approve the draft resolution of the PAICV.


Euclides Silva added, on the other hand, that the Mercado do Coco is a municipal work, so he considers that the City Hall of Praia could request an external audit of the work.


Source: Inforpress

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