Mosteiros / Municipality Day: Tributes to former Mayor and to sports, cultural and social activist mark festivities

The tributes to the former mayor of Mosteiros and MP, Carlos Fernandinho Teixeira, and to the sports, cultural and social activist Alírio Lopes de Pina, mark the festivities of the municipality of Mosteiros.

The councilman for Sport, Culture and Administrative Modernization, Nelson Pires, told Inforpress that the initial idea was to honor all the former mayors of Mosteiros, but on the occasion of the Municipality Day festivities, which take place from August 11 to 15, after two years due to the pandemic, the City Hall chose to honor Carlos Fernandinho Teixeira.

This former mayor was born on February 12, 1960, graduated in Local Development Management, Planning and Urbanism, by the Universidade Aberta of Lisbon, before be mayor, he was primary and secondary education teacher on the islands of São Nicolau and Brava and, from 1991 to 1994, in the then preparatory cycle, and from 1994 to 1999, at the São Filipe High School.

He served as municipal MP in the municipality of Fogo (1991/96) and, with the creation of the municipality of Mosteiros, he was part of the local PAICV’s team that won the first local elections in 1996, having been elected councilman.

Source: Inforpress