Ministry of Education promises to resolve teachers’ outstanding by the end of 2023

Minister of Education Amadeu Cruz pledged on Wednesday to resolve teachers’ outstanding by the end of 2023, indicating that the Ministry will need for the purpose a budget of more than 300 million escudos.

The commitment was made during a meeting with the National Democratic Union of Teachers (SINDEP), to analyze the issues of teacher backlogs and the start of the next school year 2022/2023.

“We reiterate what has been the commitment to the unions and we are discussing the budget proposal for 2023, and, in the framework of dialogue between the ministries, we are looking at the resolution of the pending issues by the end of 2023,” the Minister told reporters after leaving the meeting he held with SINDEP.

According to the Minister, to resolve the outstanding with teachers, the Ministry of Education needs a budget of more than 300 million escudos, which is being staggered in order to avoid concertation of budgetary effort.

Source: Inforpress