Ministry of Agriculture and Environment holds Ministry Council to take stock and align strategies for 2023

Everything that was planned in the budget and management of the Ministry of Agriculture, both in physical and financial achievements, was materialized, aligned with the Government's program and the interventions that are in the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development (PEDS).

In general, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment managed to carry out everything that was planned, with a good execution rate, after a difficult situation marked by 3 consecutive years of drought, pandemic and still overshadowed by the food crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, so 2022 was a positive year.

This assessment was made yesterday, the 12th, during the ministry's council, which aimed to take stock of the year 2022 and align strategies for 2023, with all leaders of the central and regional services of the ministry.

Everything that was planned in the budget and management of the Ministry of Agriculture, both in physical and financial achievements, was materialized, aligned with the Government's program and the interventions that are in the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development (PEDS) and the respective projects that follow from them. they're part.

In general, the Ministry managed to respond to everything that is on the Government's agenda, with regard to the new diversification of water mobilization funds, massification of drip irrigation and various interventions in the agricultural sector. and environmental inspections applied to the sector and the implementation of the mitigation program.

For the planning and management area of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, the continuity of previous projects will be continued, but also with the prospect, halfway through, of registering new projects in matters of climate action and water and sanitation, both financed by Luxembourg Cooperation.

For 2023, the strategy is to continue to reinforce and accelerate the intervention measures that have been implemented so far, but from a much more efficient perspective, working with fewer resources, but aiming for better results, taking into account the efficiency and capacity of organized execution yet.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde