Minister of the Sea delivers safety equipment to the Cidália vessel

The moment took place at the Social Technical Center (CTS) in Santa Cruz, in the interior of Santiago, and was witnessed by hundreds of fishermen, fishmongers and vendors present on site.

The Minister of the Sea, Abraão Vicente, delivered three safety equipment, specifically GPS, radio and life jackets, to the vessel Cidália. The delivery was made to Zito, responsible for the vessel, who thanked him for this gesture, the effort and support of the Ministry of the Sea, which now guarantees better safety in his travels.

The moment took place at the Social Technical Center (CTS) in Santa Cruz, in the interior of Santiago, and was witnessed by hundreds of fishermen, fishmongers and vendors present on site.

The Ministry of the Sea, aware of the challenge of vessels, at the moment, to guarantee safety, due to the lack of equipment, has five thousand kits for distribution and a project to train their handling.

“We don't want to have more cases of loss of people at sea. Therefore, in addition to ensuring that they have access to the equipment, it is necessary to know how to use it, which is why we are investing in specific training schools for seafarers”.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde