Minister defends raising awareness among young people on gender equality through Sport

The Deputy Minister for Youth and Sport defended raising awareness among young people on the issue of gender equality, specifically the issue of gender-based violence (VBG) through sport.

Carlos Monteiro was speaking to the press, on the sidelines of a visit to the Cabo Verdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG), with the purpose to know the institution better, to learn about the ongoing projects and programs, to analyze the challenges and gains achieved in recent years in the gender equality field.

The Deputy Minister advocated a cross-cutting, articulated and worked gender approach in partnership with other sectors.

“We think it’s a way forward and we’re here to make our contribution and show you the work done and what we can do going forward. Sport is par excellence a sector where the issue of gender equality is always addressed and from there raising awareness among young boys, adolescents and young adults about the issue of equal treatment of women”, he added.

Source: Inforpress