Minister calls for correct use of national symbols and logo

Luanda - The Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, on Thursday in Luanda, emphasised the importance of the correct use of national symbols and the Angolan government logo. The minister was speaking at a seminar on the 'correct use of national symbols and the Angolan government logo,' held today at the Journalists Training Centre (Cefojor), where he highlighted the importance of the insignia of the Republic of Angola, the flag and the logo. According to the minister, these are essential elements of differentiation that allow the Republic of Angola to be identified and illustrated, both internally and externally. In his speech, the minister said that communication professionals play a fundamental role and have increased responsibilities in the correct use of symbols and the logo. 'It is their duty, within the framework of their regulatory attributions, to guarantee and conform to the correct use of the national symbols and logo in the institutions to which they are linked,' he explained. Mário Oliveira emphasised that it has a high, significant and symbolic importance for all national citizens. The seminar aims to guarantee the correct use and application of the elements that differentiate and identify the Angolan state, the people and the government, he emphasised. According to the minister, incorrect and misleading use of national symbols and logos has been identified on a daily basis, both on the country's streets and in official documents, as well as in communication pieces, usually advertising. The minister pointed out that the Ministry of Territorial Administration had recently made the gallery of national symbols available to the general public, which would certainly help to publicise the correct use of symbols. The minister emphasised the Angolan government's recent approval, at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, of the Executive's National Institutional Communication Plan, which should be in force until 2027. This is a policy document , but also a document of strategies and tactics that contains the guidelines for the implementation of the Angolan state's institutional communication. Source: Angola Press News Agency