Men are the majority in the informal sector in Cabo Verde, reveals Labour Market Observatory

The Labour Market Observatory confirms the employment decrease in informal sectors, but reveals that in formal employment the decrease had greater depth, and contrary to what seems, the informal sector is mostly exercised by men.

In presenting the results of this study to the press this Thursday, the coordinator of the Labour Market Observatory, Alice Varela, said that men are the majority of those who work in the informal sectors, live in the urban area, have a secondary education.

“But if we go to see the depth of informal employment, we realize that women are at a disadvantage. Of the total number of people in the job, 48 percent of women are in informal employment, while men account for 52 percent. Basically the issue of age is fundamental,” Varela said.

The coordinator said that social protection and being enrolled in the INPS are fundamental, because they reduce too much the issue of informal employment, claiming that the lack of coverage for non-enrolled deprives the worker of vacation, maternity leave, and is unprotected from social protection.

Source: Inforpress