Mayors of Santo Antão call for “a medium-term solution” to the island’s airport

The three mayors of Santo Antão stress the importance of the island’s “major infrastructure project”, the airport, and advocate “a medium-term solution” to this project, which is expected to be under the Government’s programme.

The mayor of Porto Novo and president of the Association of Municipalities of Santo Antão, Aníbal Fonseca, said he understands that the airport is also “a plan of this island”, that’s why the three Mayors “trust the Government, in the search for financing and a medium-term solution for this infrastructure”.

Aníbal Fonseca, two weeks ago, had expressed confidence the Santo Antão airport will be “a reality until the end of the mandate of this Government”, that is, until 2026.

“The airport has to be a reality. There’s no turning back. The studies were presented and prove that the airport has technical feasibility”, noted this mayor, explaining that it will be an infrastructure of “international level”, capable of receiving midsize aircrafts.

Source: Inforpress