Maroua: Camwater reveals water soon available in major towns

The Cameroon Water Utilities company revealed that it recently received a large shipment of equipment in collaboration with a Chinese company CGCOC on Sunday 12 May 2024 in Maroua. The reception was done under the supervision of the Governor of the Far North Region, , with the support of the Mayor of the town of Maroua. 'As soon as the equipment was received, work began on installing the pipes in the city of Maroua in the presence of the authorities. The acceleration of this work, which is part of the 9-town drinking water supply project - Phase 2, is already visible in the field. The work consists of connecting the borehole at the University to the existing network in the town of Maroua,' the Camwater communication team revealed. It was also revealed that more than 7.5 kilometers of pipes have already been laid between the Kodek and Kongola districts, providing an additional 1,200 m³/day. 'CAMWATER's ambition is to improve the drinking water supply as a matter of urgency. In addition, a new borehole is b eing drilled, enabling the once-abandoned 1,000m³ water reservoir to be brought back into service. Some 13,000m³ of water a day will be injected into the network.' Camwater is also looking at a bigger picture; that of providing portable water to neighboring cities and towns. 'As a reminder, the town of Maroua is the beneficiary of the 09-town drinking water supply project, phase 2. The main aim of this project is to provide a sustainable solution to the drinking water supply deficit in the localities covered by phase 2, namely: Dschang, Garoua, Garoua-Boulaï, Maroua, and Yabassi. In Maroua, with the implementation of this project, the production capacity of the city of Maroua will increase to 25,000 m³/day by the end of the works. More than 25,000 additional households will benefit from the project. CGCO Group Co Ltd, the company awarded the contract, intends to speed up the work so that the first volumes of drinking water are available before the end of this year, in line with the government's desire to me et the population's drinking water needs in terms of quality and quantity.' A statement read. Source: Cameroon News Agency