Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa “impressed” by the restoration of the Gothic chapel of the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, visited this afternoon the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church, in the Cidade Velha, where he was “impressed” with the restoration of the Gothic chapel inside the hermitage.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who is visiting Cabo Verde as part of his participation in the inauguration of the new President of the Republic, José Maria Neves said it is a “very careful, very competent” and impressive restoration, because it was “much better” than expected.

“We are talking about a reality that is 500 years old, more or less, and takes the Gothic period and there is not much Gothic on the African continent, I would even say that it is very rare and here is a unique case, but then the restoration does what is known as Gothic, in many cases does not exist, which is to restore the painting of the time. It is not only architecture in its simplicity, but it is the painting has disappeared over time and in most cases the restoration does not exist, has not been reconstituted”, he mentioned.

The Portuguese President said he was impressed to see what later, at a later stage, can be found in several countries of the world, which is “reconstructing what it was” and in that case it was possible to reconstitute this chapel.

Source: Inforpress