Maio: MpD’s parliamentary leader announces positive vote for the proposed law to create special tourist economic zone

The MpD’s parliamentary leader announced this Saturday, the 19th, the party’s willingness to positive vote for the government’s bill aimed at creating a special economic zone in the island, to accelerate local development.

The Movement for Democracy (MpD, ruling party) parliamentary group leader, João Gomes, made these statements during the presentation ceremony of the proposal to create the special tourist economic zone of the island of Maio, where the parliamentary group is on decentralized days.

The choice of the island of Maio to hold of the decentralised days aims essentially to put this island “on the political agenda” since the Government has already approved, in Council of Ministers, and presented in parliament the bill for the creation of special economic zones, and, with this visit we aim to know better the reality of the island.

The special economic zone “is an important concept the Government has for the development of the country, whose kick-off was given with the creation of the special maritime economic zone in São Vicente, now we will approve in parliament the special economic zone of Maio”, he stressed, recalling that in this same sense is planned the creation of the special economic zone of volcanism on the island of Fogo.

Source: Inforpress