Maio Island has the largest desalination plant powered by renewable energy in the country

This new station will benefit about 7,000 inhabitants of the island of Maio, representing approximately 2,200 families.

The island of Maio has, since yesterday, a desalination plant in operation, the largest powered by renewable energy and which will almost triple the availability of water on the island. This new station, inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva, will join two units currently operating in Ponta Preta, which will improve the availability of water, going from a capacity of 300 cubic meters per day (m3/day) to 800 m3/day.

This new station will benefit about 7,000 inhabitants of the island of Maio, representing approximately 2,200 families.

According to Ulisses Correia e Silva, in addition to improving efficiency and production costs, “it will allow us to move on to the next step, which is to rehabilitate obsolete networks and achieve more regularity of water in the homes of the Mayans. It will be reflected later in the price of tariffs”.

“It represents our ambition in the energy transition, using what we have most abundantly, which is the sea. It gains relevance in the matter of sanitary security and public health, because it provides safe and quality water”, underlined the Head of Government.

The new desalination plant will also make it possible to free the current units, located in Ribeira D. João and Pedro Vaz, and provide water for agriculture and livestock, boosting industry, commerce and services such as tourism.

This unit was financed by Luxembourg, within the scope of the Support Program for the Water and Sanitation Sector (PASEA), which is part of the IV Indicative Cooperation Program 2016-2020 (PIC IV) between the two countries, in the amount of 13, 6 million euros.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde