Maense Association in Portugal has supported 1.975 youth from PALOP with training since 2014

The Maense Association in Portugal (AMP) has supported 1.975 young people from Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) since 2014 with training, including professional, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, in collaboration with 25 Portuguese higher education and vocational schools.

The president of AMP, Carlos Frederico, told Inforpress that in the total 355 graduates in professional education, 899 in Professional Technical Courses (CTeSP), 506 degree, 20 post-graduation and 195 master’s degree.

“Since 2014/2015, insistently we are committed to training – the one that has become one of the main pillars of our mission, and, framed in the policy of decentralization of action outside Portugal, particularly with regard to opportunities for access to vocational and higher education abroad, we have given birth to this project, in order to respond the needs of students”, he told.

For Carlos Frederico, it is a way of contributing “positively and significantly” to the specialization, professional development and personal development of young people, highlighting that in view of the difficulties presented by the most deprived families, AMP contributes to “substantial reductions” in the amount of tuition fees, through agreements established with various educational institutions.

Source: Inforpress