Lourenço Lopes says that the media is “crucial” for the functioning of democracy (with audio)

The Deputy Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Lourenço Lopes, said today that the media is a “crucial” sector for the functioning of democracy and the rule of law, citizenship and the Cape Verde’s own development.

“We are feeling the pulse of the area of social communication to, in a consistent and objective way, draw up the best policies and strategies for this important sector”, said Lourenço Lopes.

The Deputy Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, who is responsible for the area of social communication, made these remarks to the press at the end of a visit to the Association of Private Media of Cape Verde (AMPCV) and to the newspapers A Nação and Expresso das Ilhas, published in Cidade da Praia.

“When the Prime Minister brings the media under his tutelage, it is a clear sign of the importance of this sector for the Government and for Cape Verde”, emphasized the minister, adding that sometimes, when talking about the media, it is centered in public bodies.

For Lourenço Lopes, the Government understands that private bodies have played a “central role in the functioning of democracy, in the promotion of reading and citizenship”.

According to him, the executive of Ulisses Correia e Silva assured in his 10th legislature’s Government program that, in conjunction with private bodies, he will have a “structured program” that effectively guarantees its economic and financial sustainability.

From the perspective of Lourenço Lopes, strategies for the media sector are important, but they must be preceded by the creation of a “favorable environment for articulation, dialogue and trust” between the State and professionals in the area.

“The greater the scrutiny of government and political activity by journalists, the greater will be the performance and transparency in public acts”, he highlighted, pointing out that the executive of Ulisses Correia e Silva advocates “independence, exemption and autonomy” media and journalists and indicated the case of Radio and Television of Cape Verde (RTC) in which the administration is chosen by an independent board.

He also mentioned the case of Radio de Cabo Verde which, according to his words, today has a direction chosen by public tender, admitting that “this is the path we are going to follow”.

The deputy prime minister defended, on the other hand, that it is important that the media have the conditions that allow them “to be closer and closer to the people”.

With regard to the economic and financial sustainability of private bodies, he asserted that “probably, the Government will reassess the current framework of incentives”.

“We are going to assess the issue of regulation of institutional advertising, which, at this moment, is very focused on public bodies”, informed the same source, noting that the private ones also provide public service and, as such, must have the conditions for a provision with ” rigor and quality”.

In the view of the tutelage of the media, in the end, both the State and journalists want to contribute to the “strengthening of citizenship, democracy and a very strong press”.

“There is no democracy without a truly free and vibrant press”, he concluded.

According to the president of AMPCV, Fernando Ortet, since the association was created two years ago, it is the first time he has received a visit from a government official.

Urged that a new era in the relationship with the private sector is inaugurating, Lourenço Lopes limited himself to reaffirming that there is a “strong will by the Government to reinforce dialogue and an environment of trust, institutional loyalty, respect, responsibility and partnership”.

Source: Inforpress