Linguist defends the existence of “solid foundations” for the officialization of the Cabo Verdean language

The linguist Augusta Évora defended on Monday, in the City of Praia, “there have always been solid foundations” for the officialization of the Cabo Verdean language, justifying that there is a “multitude of scientific works” in this sense.

Augusta Évora made this consideration in statements to the press on the sidelines of the Forum on Mother Tongue, which took place in the Presidency of the Republic, to mark the International Mother Language Day.

As she pointed out, the basis for officialization was already solid because there is a multitude of scientific works, there is also a willingness and the citizen already has half of his individuality and identity that happens in orality and in Cabo Verdean language.

“I often joke that the language is a four-legged table and we have two legs used in Portuguese, which are writing and reading, mainly, but we use the other two legs in the Cabo Verdean language, which are speech and understanding,” she explained.

Source: Inforpress