Kossi: Rain of missiles on terrorists near Bourasso

Air vectors from the Burkinabè army spat deadly missiles on the night of May 27 to 28, 2023, at a group of terrorists who had just attacked a convoy near Bourasso in the Kossi , learned the AIB.

According to the communication service of the governorate of Boucle du Mouhoun, an armed terrorist group ambushed on the evening of May 27, 2023 a convoy of the Burkinabè army, around Bourasso in the province of Kossi.

18 combat forces were injured and are currently receiving appropriate care, the same source suggests.

Other sources refer to the loss of human life among the fighting forces.

The AIB also learned this Sunday evening from security sources that the means of surveillance detected a few hours later, the base of the criminals.

Thus late in the night, the air vectors sent several missiles on heaps of terrorists camouflaged in trees, northeast of Bourasso, indicate our sources.

The army is also continuing to clean up terrorist bases in the Boucle du Mouhoun and everywhere else, we are reassured.

In addition, the FDS and the VDP fought with determination against the forces of evil in many places, in order to regain territorial integrity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency