JpD makes “positive assessment” of Summer University with impact on the political education of young people

The President of Youth for Democracy (JpD), Euclides Silva, made a positive assessment of the fifth edition of the MpD Summer University, which he classified as important in the political education of young people.

Speaking to Inforpress, Euclides Silva said this edition surpassed the previous ones, although the context was “more difficult” due to the pandemic, as there was a need to reduce class time and the number of students.

“But the assessment is positive, it was very well achieved, with very interesting debates,” he said. As he stated, classes are added value, as they contribute to the civic and political education of young people, thus urging them to continue in these activities, in the different environment they attend.

“We can see that 90 percent (%) of the young people who participated had no contact with politics nearby, but they showed a lot of interest and were intervening with the speakers,” he said.

Source: Inforpress