JPAI concerned about the situation of Cabo Verdean students in Senegal

PAICV’s Youth President, visiting Senegal, expressed his “concern” about the reality experienced by the students after meeting with the Cabo Verdean Student Association in Dakar.

Fidel Cardoso de Pina’s concern, according to the Youth of PAICV (African Independence Party of Cabo Verde – opposition party) on his Facebook page, is due to the fact that many of the young Cabo Verdeans living in Dakar live in a difficult financial situation and are deserted by the COVID-19 impact.

“It is because the pandemic effects have been felt severely in the financial framework leading to the drastic reduction of income generated by parents and guardians who once reinforced the monthly amount available to the young people in question,” the JPAI communication said.

He also states that the increase in the number of scholarships and the amount allocated to each one by Senegal, as well as the monetary increase in the student allowance granted by FICASE, to a portion of these young people, is 150 euros are made available every three months to meet their needs and pay the monthly bills.

Source: Inforpress