José Maria Neves will take office as President of the Republic at the beginning of November

The President of the Republic elected, José Maria Neves, said that the official ceremony for his inauguration will be announced by Parliament for the beginning of November.

The President of the Republic elected made this announcement, in statements to the press, after the meeting with the Head of State, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, in which also participated the first ladies, respectively Lígia Fonseca and Débora Katiza Carvalho.

“It was a first meeting to talk about the Presidency and the main political and international issues which are on the table,” said José Maria Neves, adding that he and Jorge Carlos Fonseca will have the opportunity to have a final meeting, on the eve of the inauguration, for the passage of the dossiers.

For José Maria Neves, it was a courtesy visit and also for the exchange of views on the national and international political situation, and the two discussed some agenda points at the country and international level.

Source: Inforpress