“Issuing centers in Santo Antão will allow population coverage of around 95% of DTT” – Lourenço Lopes

This statement was made by the official, during his two-day trip, 22 to 23 August, to the island of Santo Antão, with the agenda also to witness the reception of television signals and the symbolic distribution of DTT decoders in the municipalities. Ribeira Grande, Paul and Porto Novo.

The Assistant Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Lourenço Lopes, guaranteed, today in Santo Antão, that the 17 existing broadcasting centers on the island of mountains will allow population coverage of around 95% of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) on the island.

This statement was made by the official, during his two-day trip, 22 to 23 August, to the island of Santo Antão, with the agenda also to witness the reception of television signals and the symbolic distribution of DTT decoders in the municipalities. Ribeira Grande, Paul and Porto Novo.

Lourenço Lopes says he is satisfied with the coverage rate of the DTT signal, noting that Santo Antão is an island with “enormous potential”, therefore, he believes that with greater access for citizens to television signals and the reinforcement of communication coverage on the island, will mean greater promotion, strengthening of citizenship and democracy “because, as we know, the media is a source of knowledge”, he said.

The Secretary of State also stressed that the Government, since 2016, has made an investment of PTE 1.6 billion in DTT, proving “that we have a very strong commitment to the media sector in Cape Verde and to strengthening of this right, which is access to information by citizens”, he stressed.

During his visit to the new broadcasting centers of DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television), in various locations on the island of Santo Antão, the official was in the company of the mayors of Ribeira Grande and Paul, Orlando Delgado and António Aleixo, respectively, and in Porto Novo, by councilor Dilma Gomes, as well as by the PCA of CVB (Cape Verde Broadcast), Luís Ramos and the Sole Director of Inforpress, José Furtado.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde