Increase in maternity leave to 90 days among the novelties of the new basic law on public employment

The proposal for the new basic law on public employment brings as news the increase in maternity leave to 90 days and license for the fathers, informed the Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration.

Edna Oliveira gave this information to the press, on the sidelines of the parliamentary hearing for the approval, in particular, of the proposal for a law that establishes the legal regime for public employment, defines the fundamental principles of the public service, as well as the legal regime of constitution, modification and termination of the legal relationship of public employment.

According to the official, the document establishes the principles and bases on which the exercise of the public service should be based, remembering that the first Basic Law of Public Service is dated 2009 and contains a set of norms considered today unconstitutional.

“For example, the basic law on public employment and, subsequently, the diploma for the development of this law, which is decree law 09/2013 that approved the PCCS of Public Administration, divided civil servants into two regimes. The career regime for those who perform technical functions and the employment regime for those who perform non-technical functions and the staff who are in employment are bound by a fixed-term employment contract, with no possibility of converting these contracts into an indefinite-term contract ” he explained.

Source: Inforpress