Implementation of human rights and citizenship in the curriculum among CNDHC priorities – president

The new president of the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship (CNDHC) intends to work on empowering institutions and for human rights and citizenship to be implemented in children’s school curriculum in the near future.

Eurídice Mascarenhas, appointed by the Government as the new president of the CNDHC, replacing Zaida Freitas, according to a resolution published on Wednesday, February 8, in the Official Bulletin, advanced this information in an interview with Inforpress, stressing that she assumes the new functions with a feeling of humility and perspectives of tracing new directions and challenges for the institution.

The person in charge, who is currently learning about the committee’s internal workings and the process of handing over portfolios, said that one of the priorities she has established for the near future has to do with children, that is, so that the implementation of human rights and citizenship in schools is a reality.

As the psychologist recalled, in this respect, the material for the strategic plan at school level has already been prepared and now it lacks appropriation by the Ministry of Education.

Source: Inforpress