ICIEG wants “education for equality” as a priority in the fight against VBG

The president of ICIEG on Monday considered Gender-Based Violence (VBG) to be a phenomenon which must be tackled and called for a long-term policy based on equality education.

“It is vital we bet on a long-term policy, that is, we want to see that education for equality as a priority is taken over, because only then we will sustainably combat issues of violence and lack of tolerance in the country,” she said.

Rosana Almeida, who was speaking to Inforpress, as part of the training course for 22 technicians from the Cabo Verdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG), at the national level, said she had everything ready, manuals and guides for teachers and students, to fill this ambition.

“ICIEG wants technicians specialized in VBG, because they are closer to the population and serve people who seek help. With this training they can respond to the problem and ensure the best possible assistance to victims”, she said, stressing that the training is financed by the World Bank through the Project Management Unit of the Ministry of Finance.

Source: Inforpress