Guinean expert asks Cabo Verde to share his experience on inclusive education

The focal point of the KIX Africa 21 Regional Centre for Guinea-Bissau, Braima Mane, today acknowledged Cabo Verde’s progresses in the field of inclusive education and asked the archipelago to share its experiences in this area.

Braima Mane was speaking to the press, moments before the closing of a workshop to share experiences and knowledge for Portuguese-speaking countries, which took place between Monday and today, in the City of Praia, with the participation of the members from the national coordination of Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé and Príncipe.

“I think Cabo Verde is very advanced. We were very interested in the experience of Cabo Verde. We saw you did a lot of work. We ask you to share your experience so that other countries can also follow the same path,” he said.

In relation to the workshop now ended, Braima Mane said that the balance is “very positive” and congratulated the organization of Cabo Verde, which “managed to hold a workshop of great quality in a short period of time”.

Souce: Inforpress