Government will establish with RTC and Inforpress a new financial programming framework

The prime minister's assistant secretary of state guaranteed today that the Government will establish with the RTC and Inforpress a multi-year financial programming framework for investments in equipment, technological modernization and qualification of resources humans.

Lourenço Lopes signed this commitment in his speech to swear in the new direction of Radio de Cabo Verde (RCV) and added that the Government will also establish the qualification of public incentive financing based on the respective strategic development plans and the service contract public.

The Government, said the secretary of State, will support the restructuring of Cape Verdean Radio and Television (RTC) and the Cape Verdean News Agency (Inforpress), with a view to its economic and financial sustainability, its technological and technological modernization. of its human resources.

“We will work with private media bodies to define a structured program that improves the economic and financial context in which they operate”, he pledged.

According to Lourenço Lopes, the Government will also review the public radio and television service concession contract, signed in 2013, will approve a new Radio Law and will review the Advertising Code.

"These commitments must be fulfilled", he stressed, noting that the executive will engage in dialogue with the journalistic class and with public and private bodies, "in an atmosphere of respect, trust, institutional loyalty, responsibility and partnership, without neglecting the participation of civil society on solutions that contribute to social communication close to citizens and communities, independent, rigorous and committed to truth and public service”.

He also stated that they will be engaged in "deepening" democracy and "dignifying" Cape Verde because, he said, it is in an environment of freedom, trust in democratic institutions and in the future of Cape Verde that the act of swearing in the new direction of Cape Verde is being witnessed. radio, resulting from a public tender.

In turn, the chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the RTC, Policarpo de Carvalho, expressed satisfaction with these improvements that will contribute to the quality of public services announced by the assistant secretary of state to the prime minister.

“This is also proof that the Board of Directors is working, has a strategic vision for the future, so it is corresponding to the vision of the Board of Directors and we are very satisfied”, he stressed.

With these technological means, continued Policarpo de Carvalho, RTC will be able to carry out business within its strategic plan and make the company increasingly sustainable and increasingly improve public services.

He also pointed out that they met with the Secretary of State to whom they showed the Board of Directors' vision, so that now the Government is responding “that it will support the RTC” in concluding this business plan.

He also revealed that they will launch the business plan and, in this sense, they asked the Government for approximately one million euros, the amount necessary for the launch of the new technological platform.

With this technological platform, RTC will carry out a set of businesses to support the company, for which, he stressed, a bank has already made the financing available and is only awaiting Government approval.

Source: Inforpress