Government reiterates that by 2023 will have resolved all the teachers pending issues

The Minister of Education, Amadeu Cruz, reiterated that the Government will resolve all the teachers pending issues since 2008, establishing until 2023 to comply with the commitment.

Amadeu Cruz made this statement to the press, on the sidelines of the meeting he had with the National Union of Teachers (Sindep), explaining that this was a commitment made to the unions and the executive “is doing his best” to mobilize budgetary means.

“In the course of this budget year we intend to publish some administrative acts and correct distortions in teachers’ careers,” he announced.

However, he warned that Cabo Verde is experiencing a very difficult situation in terms of budgetary and public finances, because it has lost tax revenues of around 60 billion escudos in the last three tax years, adding to the increase in expenditures, particularly with the service of public debt, which “creates a very great budgetary pressure on the Government”.

Source: Inforpress