Government recognizes “irregularities” in the application of the recruitment law in public administration

The Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration met today with leaders and technicians of human resources from public institutes to analyze and discuss “some irregularities detected” in the application of the recruitment law.

Edna Oliveira, who was speaking to the press this morning, at Praia, said that the legal regime for recruitment and selection in Public Administration has been applied since 2019 and establishes the principles and rules for the recruitment of staff and managers intermediaries and public institutes.

Taking into account the Government’s need to consolidate recruitment and selection mechanisms by merit, she said that in these four years of its application “some shortcomings and irregularities” were detected.

“The irregularities that we detected have to do with the understanding of the definition of the profile of the technicians, application of the curriculum screening method, with the indication of the mandatory documents, there are others, but these are almost common to all the regulations that we receive from public institutes”, she said.

Source: Inforpress