Government predicts that in 2023 Electra will be ready to be privatized

Praia: The Government predicts that in 2023 the Company of Electricity and Water (Electra SA) will be in a position to be privatized, with the studies already being done, as well as the permissive law that has already been published .

In conversation with journalists, the prime minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, announced for next year a calendar for launching tenders and the entire evaluation process for their implementation.

“We think that in the year 2023 we will be able to privatize Electra”, said Ulisses Correia e Silva, stressing that everything will be done based on the basic privatization law that imposes a set of criteria and requirements for privatization to proceed. .

The privatization of Electra is regulated by Decree-Law No. 52 of July 21, 2021, with the certainty that 25 % of the capital of each of the companies will be allocated to workers, Cape Verdean emigrants and small shareholders.

Source: Inforpress