Government organizes National Forum “Emergence of a Common Front to Face and Overcome Crises” now in S. Vicente

“If there is no understanding of the situation in which we live, the measures that the Government has been implementing are not valued. Social effort is not valued”, he added, stressing that a significant part of inflation is being contained thanks to the Government's policies and mitigation measures.

After the city of Praia, the Government promoted today, in São Vicente, with the Religious Confessions, NGOs, Associations and Civil Society, the "National Forum - Emergence of a Common Front to Face and Overcome Crises", under the motto " Together to act, now!”.

When presiding over the opening of the event, the Prime Minister and Head of Government explained once again the objectives of these meetings: to raise social awareness about the moment that Cape Verde and the world are going through. “The problem is serious, it exists, it affects the economy and people's lives”. But more, this awareness also allows us to accommodate behaviors, attitudes and understand priorities”.

According with the doctor. Ulisses Correia e Silva, faced with the scenario of a triple crisis, the Government was forced to declare a situation of social and economic emergency because we are not immune to what is happening in the world: the pandemic, the war in Ukraine that triggered the inflationary crisis, and to add the climate crisis. “Cape Verde is not an oasis in the middle of the world, shielded and protected from any external phenomenon,” he said.

Therefore, it does not understand that the Executive is being confronted, several times, with some situations of salary increase requests, strike threats and demonstrations. “This is understandable in a situation of normality, it is not understood at this time, at a time of serious crises”, he explained.

“If there is no understanding of the situation in which we live, the measures that the Government has been implementing are not valued. Social effort is not valued”, he added, stressing that a significant part of inflation is being contained thanks to the Government's policies and mitigation measures.

“We are asking our partners to actually commit to understanding the situation, as well as an intermediation for this understanding to take place”, he added, launching the challenge to the Media, which, in the Prime Minister's opinion, went very well. during the emergence phase of the covid-19 pandemic, but in this case it “does not work” in the same way. “To raise awareness, not to dramatize, but to show that we are in a crisis situation” that is global.

The responsibility, according to the Prime Minister, is not only the State's. Society, individuals, families, social organizations are important and have responsibilities. “If we don't understand this, it becomes difficult to give answers”, he concluded, saying that he counts on “the collaboration, participation and focus of all to give the best answers”.

The Forum that took place this morning at the Faculty of Education and Sports (FaED) of the University of Cape Verde, had two panels; “The responsibility of the individual in the family and in the community” and the “Problem of the use of psychoactive substances: from prevention to care and reintegration”, having as speakers, among various entities and specialists, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mindelo, D. Ildo Fortes .

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde