Government aims to reduce youth unemployment rate in half – Olavo Correia

Deputy Prime Minister Olavo Correia said today in the City of Praia that the Government intends, “still in this legislature”, to halve the youth unemployment rate.

“Until the end of this legislature it is our ambition to try to do this, we are in a difficult context (…) the economic framework must improve and we are working hard to make this happen,” said Olavo Correia, speaking to reporters, after the presentation of the Integrated Skills Development Program (PIDC -2022).

However, he recalled that despite a “complex and demanding context and with an unemployment rate of around 14 percent (%), Cabo Verde managed to “withstand the increase in this rate” through layoff.

“There was not increase in the number of unemployed in Cabo Verde, but the rate is still high and what we want is to reduce it in half, but this requires transformative work,” said the Minister of Finance and Business Development.

Source: Inforpress