GJA urges journalists to pay more attention to environmental issues

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) has charged journalists in Ghana to pay more attention to environmental issues and play significant roles in protecting and preserving the environment and its natural resources for sustainable development.

It said the world at large and Ghana were confronted with serious environmental challenges, contributing to deepening the climate change crisis, and there was an urgent need for strong commitment from all stakeholders to address such challenges.

It said Journalists had critical roles to play in advancing environmental sustainability and urged media practitioners in the country to work to lead a strong campaign and influence policies and actions to protect the environment and help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

This was in a statement signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga by Mr William Nlanjerbor Jalulah, the Upper East Regional Chairman of the GJA as part of activities to commemorate this year’s World Press Freedom Day (WPFD).

The glob
al theme for the celebration is ‘Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of environmental crisis’, however, in Ghana, it is held on the theme, ‘Leveraging journalism for sustainable environment and future’.

‘As we reflect on the theme for this year, let us remind ourselves that the world is grappling with a global environmental crisis, and as such, the role of a free and responsible press becomes even more crucial.

‘Journalists play a vital role in exposing the truth, holding decision-makers accountable, and empowering the public with accurate information to drive climate action. I, therefore, encourage all journalists in the region to pay more attention to issues of the environment to protect the future,’ the statement stressed.

The statement commended all journalists and stakeholders working in the media space for upholding the principles of democracy and the canons of journalism that had contributed to driving the progress of the region and the country.

‘The Regional Executives, through this press
statement wishes to congratulate journalists in the region for upholding the principles of journalism – accountability, fairness and impartiality, truth and accuracy, transparency, humanity, independence, and public interest.

In December 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 3 as World Press Freedom Day based on the recommendation of UNESCO and in tandem with the anniversary celebration of the ‘Declaration of Windhoek’ by the latter’s General Conference on May 3.

The commemoration of the Day is to remind governments of their commitments to press freedom and the need to respect the same.

Media professionals and practitioners across the world also use WPFD to reflect on issues of press freedom and professional ethics.

Source: Ghana News Agency