General State Budget for 2022 is the most “challenging” in Cabo Verde’s history – MpD

The MPD parliamentary group leader, João Gomes, said today, in the City of Praia, the proposed State Budget (OGE) for 2022 is the most “challenging” in history of Cabo Verde after independence.

The statement was made at the opening of the Open Day on the 2022 State Budget, held by the parliamentary group of the Movement for Democracy, which included a presentation by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Olavo Correia.

“This State Budget for 2022 is presented in a context strongly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and with an impact on health, health security, economic growth, employment, income and public finances”, noted João Gomes, stressing that the economic impacts are causing the “biggest” economic recession in the world since the Great Depression.

“It is in this context our country finds itself, aggravated by the new energy crisis, with the general rise in prices. It is in this scenario the Government will present the OGE to Parliament for discussion and approval”, justified the MPD parliamentary leader, considering that this is Cabo Verde’s “most challenging” Budget as an independent country.

Source: Inforpress