Future first lady elects social solidarity as one of her flags

The future first lady, Deborah Katiza Carvalho, said in the City of Praia that social solidarity will be one of the causes she will work, with a view to a “decent housing” for Cabo Verdeans, as well as “responsible motherhood and fatherhood”.

“These are causes that with the ‘djunta mon de todos’ (mutual help) of Cabo Verdeans, here in Cabo Verde, but also those in the Diaspora can certainly help to materialize and change the Cabo Verdean reality,” said Débora Katiza Carvalho.

The future first lady made these remarks to the press, leaving a meeting with Lígia Fonseca, wife of the President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca. According to her, the first lady gave her some of her experience during the ten years she held this title.

Asked if she had ever thought of any social project, she replied in these terms: “I have been exercising my citizenship for many years now. Cabo Verdeans can count on strengthening this citizenship. There have been several causes for which I have been fighting for several years, before meeting the now-elected President of the Republic.

I have already developed several causes, namely one that is particularly special for me, because of the country we have, which is climate change.

Source: Inforpress